Represent your country in the... Shows of Nations
Moving away from the conventional competition format, the Shows of Nations at the Bachata Geneva Festival will be a unique showcase for show groups on Friday night.
This special event will feature distinct show groups, including men’s, ladies’, both and mixed couples’ groups, with each group representing a different nation, that will battle for the award of “Winning Nation” in The Festival of Nations.
Elected Teams
How can I join? Registration
- The registrations will be open from 20th December until 10th January.
- The announcement of the chosen show groups will be on 17th January.
- Registration: Teams must register with a preliminary video*, number of members, team type (all-male, all-female, mixed, couples), representing country & and city before 10th December.
- Number of Shows: There will be a maximum of 10-12 group performances, with a maximum of 2 shows per country.
* A training session video can be submitted without completing the entire choreography.
We understand that there is still a lot of time remaining needed for refining and finalizing it.
What can I win? Awards
- Special Title of “Winner Nation” – an honorary recognition for the country represented by the winning team.
- Medals for the winning team.
- A Full Pass (PP) for next year’s festival for all the team members of the winning team (The FP is nominative and cannot be transfered to other person).
- Surprise gifts from our sponsors.
How can my show group win? Audience Voting
- As there are mixed groups and no “rules”, the spectators will be the ones voting for the most original show live, using a QR code displayed on the big screens.
- The MC will announce the results at the end of the shows.